

A TypeScript library for using smart account modules in applications

Use the ModuleSDK to integrate smart account modules into your application. It allows you to easily install and uninstall modules for any ERC-7579 (opens in a new tab) account, interact with and use modules using dedicated helper utilites and can be used alongside existing account SDKs such as permissionless.js (opens in a new tab), Biconomy (opens in a new tab), ZeroDev (opens in a new tab) and many more.

The Module SDK is split into two components:

  • Accounts - Account-related helpers, like installing and uninstalling modules
  • Modules - Integrated core modules with helpers for their installation and usage
Module SDK banner

Current accounts supported by the Module SDK include:

Core Modules

Ownable ValidatorThis module enables an EOA as a signer for a smart account. It is ideal for product use cases where users are expected to be crypto-native and possess an EOA wallet. Alternatively, it can be combined with MPC providers embedded signers (opens in a new tab).
Passkeys / Webauthn ValidatorEnables a passkey as a signer on a smart account, allowing users to sign cryptographic messages with their biometrics via the secure enclave of their device or use a preferred password manager.
Social RecoveryThis allows users to specify one or multiple guardians with an m or n threshold for account recovery. The user sets a guardian by expressing the public address of the guardian.
Multifactor Authentication (MFA)The module is a multiplexer, which allows developers to compose any set of signer modules together. For example, passkeys can be set as the main signer, but passkeys and an ECDSA validation scheme are required when making high-value transfers.
Module Registry AdapterThe Module Registry enforces security guarantees and standards when installing a module on a smart account. The Module Registry stores onchain security attestations made by independent auditors. When installing a new module on the account, the Module Registry Adapter queries the Module Registry and checks that pre-set security thresholds have been met.
Scheduled TransfersAllows for automated transfers to be triggered on a smart account. The user can create a schedule on which a relayer will execute the transfers based on some parameters, like frequency or number of repetitions.
Scheduled OrdersAllows for automated token swaps to be triggered on a smart account. The user can create a schedule on which a relayer will execute the swaps based on some parameters, like frequency or number of repetitions.
Auto SaveThis is a more opinionated version of the Schedule Transfer module. It allows a user to automatically transfer a set percentage of any received token to a target ERC-4626 yield-bearing vault.
Deadman SwitchRecover an account after a specified inactive period. The user sets the target recovery address (this could be another smart account or a typical EOA wallet) along with the required period of inactivity.
Ownable ExecutorCreate a hierarchy ownership structure across smart accounts. This module allows one smart account to have execution rights on another smart account. The execution rights can trigger any transaction with the owner account paying for gas. This can enable automated relationships between DAOs and sub-DAOs or main accounts to sub-accounts.
Cold Storage HookCreates timelock and transfer restrictions. It restricts execution on the account in two ways: 1) a timelock period and 2) transfers are limited to just one address.
Flash LoanA module base found in ModuleKit allows developers to easily create executor modules that tap into flash loan capabilities, as described in ERC-3156. This could be used to create a peer-to-peer rental system without needing an escrow contract or over-collateralization.
Hook MultiplexerAn opinionated router for combining multiple hook modules. Hooks are modules that are triggered before or after execution and can be used to enforce certain smart account behavior. Some examples of hooks include spending limits, white/blacklists, and more. This is an important module for accounts with only one global hook slot.

Useful starting resources