Using Modules
Social Recovery

How to recover an account using the Social Recovery Module

The Social Recovery Module allows users to add a set of guardians to their account so that they can recover it in case they lose access to it. This guide will show you how to install and use the Social Recovery Module on a Safe smart account using the permissionless.js SDK.

We will first set up the smart account, install the Social Recovery Module, and then recover the account using the guardians.

Install the packages

First, install the required packages:

npm i viem @rhinestone/module-sdk permissionless

Set up the smart account

Next, we will first create an account and install a validator on it. We use the smartAccountClient to install the module, as created in the permissionless.js guide. To follow this step, head over to the aforementioned guide or use another account sdk.

Install a validator

Next, we will install a validator on the account that we can later recover. In this case, we will simply install the Ownable Validator with two owners and a threshold of 2.

import { getOwnableValidator } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const ownableValidator = getOwnableValidator({
  owners: [
  threshold: 2,
const opHash = await smartAccountClient.installModule({
  type: ownableValidator.type,
  address: ownableValidator.module,

Install the Social Recovery Module

Next, we will install the Social Recovery Module on the account. We will pass to it a number of guardians that can recover the account as well as a threshold of guardians required to recover the account.

import { getSocialRecoveryValidator } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const module = getSocialRecoveryValidator({
  threshold: 2,
  guardians: [
const opHash = await smartAccountClient.installModule({
  type: module.type,
  address: module.module,

Get the recovery calldata

Finally, we will recover the account using the guardians. In this case, lets assume that the user has lost access to the first signer but still has access to the second one. In this case, the easiest way to recover is to reduce the threshold on the ownable validator to 1 and then the user can add another signer instead.

import { getSetOwnableValidatorThresholdAction } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const action = getSetOwnableValidatorThresholdAction({
  threshold: 1,

Create the recovery UserOperation

Now that we have the calldata, we can create the UserOperation to recover the account.

const callData = await safeAccount.encodeCallData({
  data: action.callData,
  value: action.value,
// only if using pimlico
const gasPrices = await pimlicoBundlerClient.getUserOperationGasPrice();
const userOperation = await smartAccountClient.prepareUserOperationRequest({
  userOperation: {
    callData, // callData is the only required field in the partial user operation

Sign the recovery UserOperation

Next, the guardians will have to sign the recovery UserOperation.

import { getUserOperationHash, ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS_V07 } from "permissionless";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
const userOperationHash = getUserOperationHash({
  chainId: 5,
const guardian1 = privateKeyToAccount(
); // the key coresponding to the first guardian
const guardian2 = privateKeyToAccount(
); // the key coresponding to the second guardian
const signature1 = await guardian1.signMessage({
  message: { raw: userOperationHash },
const signature2 = await guardian2.signMessage({
  message: { raw: userOperationHash },
userOperation.signature = encodePacked(
  ["bytes", "bytes"],
  [signature1, signature2]

Execute the recovery UserOperation

Finally, we can execute the UserOperation to recover the account.

const userOpHash = await smartAccountClient.sendUserOperation({