Module SDK
Cold Storage Hook

Cold Storage Hook

The Cold Storage Hook module is a module that allows user to lock down a subaccount and perform actions after a timelock has expired.

You can find the source code for the module in the Core Modules repo (opens in a new tab) and the deployment address in the address book.


The getInstallColdStorageHook function is used to create an instance of the Cold Storage Hook module. This function returns a module object.

import { getInstallColdStorageHook, HookType } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const coldStorageHook = getInstallColdStorageHook({
  moduleType: 'hook',
  waitPeriod: 1000,
  owner: '0x...', // owner address
  hookType: HookType.GLOBAL,
  selector: "0x"
// install flashloan callback module for cold storage accounts
const installAllowedCallbackSenders = getInstallAllowedCallbackSenders({
  addresses: ['0x...'],
  callType: '0x00' // single call
  functionSig: '0x...' // function signature


The getColdStorageSetWaitPeriodAction function is used to request execution to change wait period. This function returns an execution object

import { getColdStorageSetWaitPeriodAction } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const coldStorageSetWaitPeriodAction = getColdStorageSetWaitPeriodAction({
  waitPeriod: 100,


The getColdStorageExecutionTime function is used to get execution time for a specific execution. This function returns an execution time.

import { getColdStorageExecutionTime } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const coldStorageExecutionTime = await getColdStorageExecutionTime({
  executionHash: '0x...' // hash of the execution previously requested


The getRequestTimelockedExecution function is used to request time locked execution. This function returns an execution object

import { getRequestTimelockedExecution } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const execution = {
  taregt: '0x...', // target address
  value: 0,
  callData: '0x...', // encoded call data
const additionalWait = 100
const requestTimelockedExecution = getRequestTimelockedExecution({


The getRequestTimelockedModuleConfigExecution function is used to request time locked module config execution. This function returns an execution object

import { getRequestTimelockedModuleConfigExecution } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const requestTimelockedModuleConfigExecution = getRequestTimelockedModuleConfigExecution({
  moduleTypeId: 4, // hook module
  module: '0x...', // module address
  data: '0x...', // data to be passed to the module
  isInstall: false, // true if the module is being installed, false if it is being uninstalled
  additionalWait: 0


The COLD_STORAGE_HOOK_ADDRESS is a constant that represents the module address.