Using Modules

How to use passkeys to control an account

This guide walks you through using passkeys to make transactions on an account, using the Webauthn Module. In this case, we will use the Safe account and install the module on it, but the module also works on other ERC-7579 accounts. You can also check out the entire code (opens in a new tab) of the guide.

We will first set up the smart account, install the Webauthn Module, and use a passkey to make a transaction.

Install the packages

First, install the required packages. We use the latest version of module sdk, permissionless ^0.2, viem ^2.21, wagmi ^2.14 and webauthn-p256 ^0.0.10.

npm i viem @rhinestone/module-sdk permissionless wagmi webauthn-p256

Import the required functions and constants

import { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import { useAccount, usePublicClient, useWalletClient } from "wagmi";
import {
} from "permissionless/accounts";
import { Chain, http, Transport } from "viem";
import { Erc7579Actions } from "permissionless/actions/erc7579";
import { createSmartAccountClient, SmartAccountClient } from "permissionless";
import {
} from "viem/account-abstraction";
import {
} from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
import { baseSepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { getAccountNonce } from "permissionless/actions";
import { parsePublicKey, parseSignature, sign } from "webauthn-p256";
import { erc7579Actions } from "permissionless/actions/erc7579";

Create the clients

Create the smart account client and the pimlico client. You will need to add your own urls here.

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  transport: http(rpcUrl),
  chain: chain,
const pimlicoClient = createPimlicoClient({
  transport: http(bundlerUrl),
  entryPoint: {
    address: entryPoint07Address,
    version: '0.7',

Create the signer

The Safe account will need to have a signer to sign user operations. In this case, since we are developing this code in a frontend, we can use wagmi to access the connected wallet signer.

const walletClient = useWalletClient();

Create the Safe account

Create the Safe account object using the signer.

const safeAccount = await toSafeSmartAccount({
  client: publicClient,
  owners: [],
  version: '1.4.1',
  entryPoint: {
    address: entryPoint07Address,
    version: '0.7',
  safe4337ModuleAddress: '0x7579EE8307284F293B1927136486880611F20002',
  erc7579LaunchpadAddress: '0x7579011aB74c46090561ea277Ba79D510c6C00ff',
  attesters: [
    RHINESTONE_ATTESTER_ADDRESS, // Rhinestone Attester
  attestersThreshold: 1,

Create the smart account client

The smart account client is used to interact with the smart account. You will need to add your own bundler url and the chain that you are using.

const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
  account: safeAccount,
  chain: chain,
  bundlerTransport: http(bundlerUrl),
  paymaster: pimlicoClient,
  userOperation: {
    estimateFeesPerGas: async () => {
      return (await pimlicoClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast

Create the Webauthn Credential

Next, we will create a Webauthn Credential. This will be used to sign the UserOperation.

const credential = await createWebAuthnCredential({
  name: "Wallet Owner",

Install the Webauthn Module

Next, we will install the Webauthn Module on the Safe account so that the user can use their passkey to sign a UserOperation.

const { x, y, prefix } = parsePublicKey(credential.publicKey);
const validator = getWebAuthnValidator({
  pubKey: { x, y, prefix },
const installOp = await smartAccountClient.installModule(validator);
const receipt = await smartAccountClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
  hash: installOp,

Create a UserOperation

Now, we will create a UserOperation to execute.

const nonce = await getAccountNonce(publicClient, {
  address: smartAccountClient.account.address,
  entryPointAddress: entryPoint07Address,
  key: encodeValidatorNonce({
    account: getAccount({
      address: smartAccountClient.account.address,
      type: "safe",
const userOperation = await smartAccountClient.prepareUserOperation({
  account: smartAccountClient.account,
  calls: [
      to: "0x19575934a9542be941d3206f3ecff4a5ffb9af88",
      value: BigInt(0),
      data: "0xd09de08a",
    } // this call increments a counter on a counter contract - note that this contract might need to be deployed depending on which network this is used on
  signature: getWebauthnValidatorMockSignature(),
const userOpHashToSign = getUserOperationHash({
  entryPointAddress: entryPoint07Address,
  entryPointVersion: "0.7",

Sign the UserOperation with the passkey

Next, the nominee will have to sign the recovery UserOperation.

 const cred = await sign({
  hash: userOpHashToSign,

Encode the signature

Finally, we will encode the signature and add it to the UserOperation.

const parsedSignature = parseSignature(cred.signature);
const encodedSignature = getWebauthnValidatorSignature({
  webauthn: cred.webauthn,
  signature: parsedSignature,
  usePrecompiled: false,
userOperation.signature = encodedSignature;

Execute the UserOperation

Finally, we can execute the UserOperation.

const userOpHash =
  await smartAccountClient.sendUserOperation(userOperation);
const receipt = await smartAccountClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
  hash: userOpHash,