Tutorial 1: Create an automated transfer
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an automated transfer on an account using the Automations SDK and Module SDK.
You will need to set up the smart account, install the module and create an automation.
Install the dependencies
First, install the dependencies:
npm i viem @rhinestone/module-sdk @rhinestone/automations-sdk
Additionally, we will use permissionless.js to create and interact with the smart account. However, you can use another account SDK if you prefer:
npm i permissionless
Create the smart account
First, create a smart account using permissionless.js. The full code for this step is available in the permissionless.js guide.
const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
account: safeAccount,
chain: sepolia,
bundlerTransport: http(
middleware: {
gasPrice: async () => {
return (await pimlicoBundlerClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast;
}).extend(erc7579Actions({ entryPoint: ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS_V07 }));
Install the automations validator
Next, we will first need to install the validator for the automations service. Currently, we use the OwnableValidtor
but we will switch the the smart sessions module (opens in a new tab) as soon as the audit is complete.
import { getOwnableValidator } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const ownableValidator = getOwnableValidator({
owners: ["0x2DC2fb2f4F11DeE1d6a2054ffCBf102D09b62bE2"],
threshold: 1,
const opHash = await smartAccountClient.installModule({
type: ownableValidator.type,
address: ownableValidator.module,
context: ownableValidator.data,
Install the scheduled transfers module
Next, we will install the scheduled transfers module. This module allows you to create time-based automations that can transfer funds to other accounts.
import {
} from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const executionInterval = 60 _ 60 _ 24; // 1 day
const numberOfExecutions = 10;
const startDate = 1710759572; // UNIX timestamp
const isNativeToken = false;
const scheduledTransfer = {
startDate: startDate,
repeatEvery: executionInterval,
numberOfRepeats: numberOfExecutions,
token: {
token_address: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48", // USDC
decimals: 6,
amount: 10,
recipient: "0x5678...",
const executionData = getScheduledTransferData({
const scheduledTransfers = getScheduledTransfersExecutor({
const opHash = await smartAccountClient.installModule({
type: scheduledTransfers.type,
address: scheduledTransfers.module,
context: scheduledTransfers.data,
There is a lot going on here, but essentially you are initializing the module with the correct information, such as the token, amount, recipient, and execution interval.
Get the job id
Using the opHash
from the previous step, you can get the job id for the scheduled transfer:
const receipt = await bundlerClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
hash: opHash,
From this receipt, you can extract the job id out of the logs.
Create the automations client
Next, create the automations client using the Automations SDK.
import { createAutomationClient } from "@rhinestone/automations-sdk";
import { OWNABLE_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const automationClient = createAutomationClient({
account: "0x...",
accountType: 'SAFE', // 'SAFE', 'KERNEL',
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
accountInitCode: "0x",
network: 11155111,
Here, you should pass account address from above as account and the API key you received from the automations service as apiKey. Since the account is already deployed, you can pass an empty initCode.
Create the automation data
Next, create the automation details:
import { getExecuteScheduledTransferAction } from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
const executeScheduledTranferAction = getExecuteScheduledTransferAction({
jobId: jobId,
const actions = [
type: "static",
target: executeScheduledTranferAction.target,
value: executeScheduledTranferAction.value,
callData: executeScheduledTranferAction.callData,
Create the time based trigger details
Next, create the time based trigger details:
const triggerData = {
cronExpression: "*/0 0 * * *",
startDate: startDate,
Here, the cronExpression
is a cron expression that defines the schedule for the automation. This is set to once a day, aligned with the above. However, you should replace this with your schedule. The startDate
is the start date for the automation.
Create the automation
Next, create the automation:
const automation = await automationClient.createAutomation({
type: "time-based",
data: {
trigger: {
maxNumberOfExecutions: numberOfExecutions,
Sign the automation
Before an automation can be created, the user needs to sign the automation to provide access control.
const hash = await smartAccountClient.signMessage({
message: { raw: automation.hash },
const response = await automationClient.signAutomation({
automationId: automation.id,
signature: signature,
Note that you will need to replace the signing flow with your own if you use another account SDK.
The automation is now created and active.
Check the automation logs (optional)
You can check the automation logs to see the status of the automation:
const automationLogs = await automationClient.getAutomationLogs(automation.id);