How to setup the account with a validator to use Rhinestone Automations
In order to use Rhinestone Automations with a smart account, that smart account needs to have a validator enabled that allows the automations service to execute UserOperations
. For the beta version, we use the OwnableValidtor
but we will switch the the smart sessions module (opens in a new tab) as soon as the audit is complete.
For this guide, we will use permissionless.js but any other account SDK can be used.
Install the packages
First, install the required packages. We use the latest version of module sdk and automations sdk, permissionless ^0.2 and viem ^2.21.
npm i viem @rhinestone/module-sdk @rhinestone/automations-sdk permissionless
Import the required functions and constants
import {
from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
import { generatePrivateKey, privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
import {
} from "viem";
import { createSmartAccountClient } from "permissionless";
import { erc7579Actions } from "permissionless/actions/erc7579";
import { createPimlicoClient } from "permissionless/clients/pimlico";
import {
} from "viem/account-abstraction";
import { toSafeSmartAccount } from "permissionless/accounts";
Create the clients
Create the smart account client, the bundler client and the paymaster client. You will need to add your own urls here.
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
transport: http(rpcUrl),
chain: chain,
const pimlicoClient = createPimlicoClient({
transport: http(bundlerUrl),
entryPoint: {
address: entryPoint07Address,
version: '0.7',
const paymasterClient = createPaymasterClient({
transport: http(paymasterUrl),
Create the signer
The Safe account will need to have a signer to sign user operations. In permissionless.js, the default Safe account validates ECDSA signatures.
For example, to create a signer based on a private key:
const owner = privateKeyToAccount(generatePrivateKey())
Create the initial validator
We are also going to add the initial validator. We will use this validator to both install the module and prove ownership of the account as well as giving the automations service the permission to make automations. The first owner address is that of the automations service.
const ownableValidator = getOwnableValidator({
owners: ["0x2DC2fb2f4F11DeE1d6a2054ffCBf102D09b62bE2", owner.address],
threshold: 1,
Create the Safe account
Create the Safe account object using the signer. Note that you should only use the MockAttester
on testnets.
const safeAccount = await toSafeSmartAccount({
client: publicClient,
owners: [owner],
version: '1.4.1',
entryPoint: {
address: entryPoint07Address,
version: '0.7',
safe4337ModuleAddress: '0x7579EE8307284F293B1927136486880611F20002',
erc7579LaunchpadAddress: '0x7579011aB74c46090561ea277Ba79D510c6C00ff',
attesters: [
MOCK_ATTESTER_ADDRESS, // Mock Attester - do not use in production
attestersThreshold: 1,
validators: [
address: ownableValidator.address,
context: ownableValidator.initData,
Create the smart account client
The smart account client is used to interact with the smart account. You will need to add your own bundler url and the chain that you are using.
const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
account: safeAccount,
chain: chain,
bundlerTransport: http(bundlerUrl),
paymaster: paymasterClient,
userOperation: {
estimateFeesPerGas: async () => {
return (await pimlicoClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast