Address book

Address Book

A collection of addresses for the various contracts we have deployed or are using. If you need any of our contracts on a different chain, just send me a message (opens in a new tab) or you can deploy any of them yourself from our repos.

Supported Networks


• Ethereum

• Optimism

• Arbitrum

• Base

• Polygon

• Avalanche

• Celo

• Gnosis

• Scroll

• Fuse



• Sepolia

• Optimism Sepolia

• Arbitrum Sepolia

• Base Sepolia

• Polygon Amoy

• Avalanche Fuji

• Celo Alfajores

• Scroll Sepolia

• Fuse Spark

• BSC Testnet


ERC-4337 EntryPoint (v0.7)0x0000000071727De22E5E9d8BAf0edAc6f37da032 (opens in a new tab)
Module Registry0x000000000069E2a187AEFFb852bF3cCdC95151B2 (opens in a new tab)
Rhinestone Attester0x000000333034E9f539ce08819E12c1b8Cb29084d (opens in a new tab)
Rhinestone Resolver0xF0f468571e764664c93308504642aF941d9f77F1 (opens in a new tab)
Rhinestone Schema Validator0x86430E19D7D204807bBb8CDa997bb57b7EE785dD (opens in a new tab)
Safe7579 Adapter0x7579EE8307284F293B1927136486880611F20002 (opens in a new tab)
Safe7579 Launchpad0x7579011aB74c46090561ea277Ba79D510c6C00ff (opens in a new tab)
ERC-7579 Reference Factory0xDC15682AEDba36Cf3121507993b50Ef22b457053 (opens in a new tab)
ERC-7579 Reference Singleton (Advanced)0xa951A1179bA8bd08b8140aB9dc7910AF08AE7181 (opens in a new tab)
ERC-7579 Reference Bootstrap0x1E919660050C68BFEf868945Cf5f9a26ad7E360b (opens in a new tab)

Additional variables:

  • Rhinestone Resolver UID: 0xdbca873b13c783c0c9c6ddfc4280e505580bf6cc3dac83f8a0f7b44acaafca4f
  • Rhinestone Schema UID: 0x93d46fcca4ef7d66a413c7bde08bb1ff14bacbd04c4069bb24cd7c21729d7bf1


Ownable Validator0x2483DA3A338895199E5e538530213157e931Bf06 (opens in a new tab)
Webauthn Validator0xD990393C670dCcE8b4d8F858FB98c9912dBFAa06 (opens in a new tab)
MultiFactor Validator0xf6bDf42c9BE18cEcA5C06c42A43DAf7FBbe7896b (opens in a new tab)
AutoSavings0x6AE48bD83B6bdc8489584Ea0814086f963d1BD95 (opens in a new tab)
ScheduledOrders Executor0x40dc90D670C89F322fa8b9f685770296428DCb6b (opens in a new tab)
ScheduledTransfers Executor0xA8E374779aeE60413c974b484d6509c7E4DDb6bA (opens in a new tab)
Ownable Executor0x4Fd8d57b94966982B62e9588C27B4171B55E8354 (opens in a new tab)
ColdStorage Hook0x7E31543b269632ddc55a23553f902f84C9DD8454 (opens in a new tab)
SocialRecovery0xA04D053b3C8021e8D5bF641816c42dAA75D8b597 (opens in a new tab)
RegistryHook0x0ac6160DBA30d665cCA6e6b6a2CDf147DC3dED22 (opens in a new tab)
DeadmanSwitch0x8bAdE54bca47199B6732EB2F92318DD666bdE413 (opens in a new tab)
HookMultiPlexer0xF6782ed057F95f334D04F0Af1Af4D14fb84DE549 (opens in a new tab)


ERC20 Spending Limit Policy0x6321a90a05a5B57801138e1f75976F24cFbB16B6 (opens in a new tab)
Universal Action Policy0x1D30AdF0133bFDfE9C106Aa5C4d86f08AEfDb5A1 (opens in a new tab)
Sudo Policy0xc7e0345f64ddB9e01Ba98034d0F1218d8D57DE53 (opens in a new tab)


Mock Validator0x11D02847245Df7cF19f48C8907ace59289D8aCEe (opens in a new tab)
Mock Registry0x25A4b2F363678E13A0A5DB79b712dE00347a593E (opens in a new tab)
Mock Attester0xA4C777199658a41688E9488c4EcbD7a2925Cc23A (opens in a new tab)