Address book

Address Book

A collection of addresses for the various contracts we have deployed or are using. If you need any of our contracts on a different chain, just send me a message (opens in a new tab) or you can deploy any of them yourself from our repos.

Supported Networks

We support a wide range of networks. To view the specific networks that a contract is on, click the link and you will be taken to the contract's page on ContractScan, where you can see the networks that the contract is deployed to.

Generally, we support the following networks, although we likely also support others, especially with the core infrastructure:


• Ethereum

• Optimism

• Arbitrum

• Base

• Polygon

• Avalanche

• Gnosis

• Scroll

• Fuse



• Sepolia

• Optimism Sepolia

• Arbitrum Sepolia

• Base Sepolia

• Polygon Amoy

• Avalanche Fuji

• Scroll Sepolia

• Fuse Spark

• BSC Testnet


ERC-4337 EntryPoint (v0.7)0x0000000071727De22E5E9d8BAf0edAc6f37da032 (opens in a new tab)
Module Registry0x000000000069E2a187AEFFb852bF3cCdC95151B2 (opens in a new tab)
Rhinestone Attester0x000000333034E9f539ce08819E12c1b8Cb29084d (opens in a new tab)
Rhinestone Resolver0xF0f468571e764664c93308504642aF941d9f77F1 (opens in a new tab)
Rhinestone Schema Validator0x86430E19D7D204807bBb8CDa997bb57b7EE785dD (opens in a new tab)
Safe7579 Adapter0x7579EE8307284F293B1927136486880611F20002 (opens in a new tab)
Safe7579 Launchpad0x7579011aB74c46090561ea277Ba79D510c6C00ff (opens in a new tab)
ERC-7579 Reference Factory0xDC15682AEDba36Cf3121507993b50Ef22b457053 (opens in a new tab)
ERC-7579 Reference Singleton (Advanced)0xa951A1179bA8bd08b8140aB9dc7910AF08AE7181 (opens in a new tab)
ERC-7579 Reference Bootstrap0x1E919660050C68BFEf868945Cf5f9a26ad7E360b (opens in a new tab)

Additional variables:

  • Rhinestone Resolver UID: 0xdbca873b13c783c0c9c6ddfc4280e505580bf6cc3dac83f8a0f7b44acaafca4f
  • Rhinestone Schema UID: 0x93d46fcca4ef7d66a413c7bde08bb1ff14bacbd04c4069bb24cd7c21729d7bf1


Smart Sessions Validator0x00000000002B0eCfbD0496EE71e01257dA0E37DE (opens in a new tab)
Ownable Validator0x2483DA3A338895199E5e538530213157e931Bf06 (opens in a new tab)
Webauthn Validator0x2f167e55d42584f65e2e30a748f41ee75a311414 (opens in a new tab)
MultiFactor Validator0xf6bDf42c9BE18cEcA5C06c42A43DAf7FBbe7896b (opens in a new tab)
AutoSavings0x6AE48bD83B6bdc8489584Ea0814086f963d1BD95 (opens in a new tab)
ScheduledOrders Executor0x40dc90D670C89F322fa8b9f685770296428DCb6b (opens in a new tab)
ScheduledTransfers Executor0xA8E374779aeE60413c974b484d6509c7E4DDb6bA (opens in a new tab)
Ownable Executor0x4Fd8d57b94966982B62e9588C27B4171B55E8354 (opens in a new tab)
SocialRecovery0xA04D053b3C8021e8D5bF641816c42dAA75D8b597 (opens in a new tab)
DeadmanSwitch0x8bAdE54bca47199B6732EB2F92318DD666bdE413 (opens in a new tab)
HookMultiPlexer0xF6782ed057F95f334D04F0Af1Af4D14fb84DE549 (opens in a new tab)


ERC20 Spending Limit Policy0x00000088D48cF102A8Cdb0137A9b173f957c6343 (opens in a new tab)
Universal Action Policy0x0000006DDA6c463511C4e9B05CFc34C1247fCF1F (opens in a new tab)
Sudo Policy0x0000003111cD8e92337C100F22B7A9dbf8DEE301 (opens in a new tab)


Mock Validator0x11D02847245Df7cF19f48C8907ace59289D8aCEe (opens in a new tab)
Mock Registry0x25A4b2F363678E13A0A5DB79b712dE00347a593E (opens in a new tab)
Mock Attester0xaed4d8baa80948d54d33de041513d30124e1ae3f (opens in a new tab)