How to use ModuleKit to test for ERC-7579 compliance
The ModuleKit has some helpers to automatically test for ERC-7579 compliance. Currently, we have the following checks:
- Ensure that module storage is cleared when a module is uninstalled
Uninstall the module at the end of every test
When you write your tests, ensure that you call uninstall on the module at the end of each test.
instance.uninstallModule({ moduleTypeId: MODULE_TYPE_VALIDATOR, module: module, data: "" });
Use the withModuleStorageClearValidation
To do this, add the modifier to all the tests.
function test_foo() public withModuleStorageClearValidation(instance, module) {...}
Run your tests with the COMPLIANCE=true
To run the tests with the compliance flag, run:
COMPLIANCE=true forge test
Note: running the compliance tests at the same time as the simulation tests can lead to issues so it is discouraged.
If your tests are successful, you are compliant with the ERC-7579 rules. Otherwise, your tests will revert.
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