Custom Networks

Custom networks

The Sandbox supports different EVM networks. By default, it supports the following networks:

  • Polygon Mumbai

The networks are defined in the src/domains/Network/api/networks.ts (opens in a new tab) file.

Adding a new network

To add a new network, add an entry to the networks object in src/domains/Network/api/networks.ts with the following parameters:

    name: "",
    testnet: true,
    icon: "",
    bundlerUrl: "",
    rpcUrl: "",
    zeroExBaseUrl: "",
    id: 0,
    network: "",
    queryName: "",
    nativeCurrency: { name: "", symbol: "", decimals: 0 },
    rpcUrls: {
        default: {
            http: [""],
    blockExplorerUrl: "",
    explorerName: "",