1: Install and use your first module

Tutorial 1: Install and use your first module

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Safe7579 account and install a module on it.

You will set up the smart account, install a Deadman Switch module and then use it to recover the account.

Install the packages

npm i viem @rhinestone/module-sdk permissionless

Import the required packages

import {
} from "permissionless";
import { signerToSafeSmartAccount } from "permissionless/accounts";
import { createPimlicoBundlerClient } from "permissionless/clients/pimlico";
import { erc7579Actions } from "permissionless/actions/erc7579";
import { createPublicClient, getContract, http, parseEther } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";

Create the clients

Create the smart account client and the bundler client.

export const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  transport: http(""),
export const pimlicoBundlerClient = createPimlicoBundlerClient({
  transport: http(""),

Create the signer

The Safe account will need to have a signer to sign user operations. In permissionless.js, the default Safe account validates ECDSA signatures.

For example, to create a signer based on a private key:

import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
const signer = privateKeyToAccount("0xPRIVATE_KEY");

Create the Safe account

Create the Safe account object using the signer.

const safeAccount = await signerToSafeSmartAccount(publicClient, {
  signer: signer,
  saltNonce: 0n, // optional
  safeVersion: "1.4.1",
  address: "0x...", // optional, only if you are using an already created account

Create the smart account client

The smart account client is used to interact with the smart account.

const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
  account: safeAccount,
  chain: sepolia,
  bundlerTransport: http(
  middleware: {
    gasPrice: async () => {
      return (await pimlicoBundlerClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast;
}).extend(erc7579Actions({ entryPoint: ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS_V07 }));

Create the module object

Get the module object for the module that you want to install on the smart account. In this case, we will install the Social Recovery Module. We will pass to it a number of guardians that can recover the account as well as a threshold of guardians required to recover the account.

import {
} from "@rhinestone/module-sdk";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
const account = await getAccount({
  address: safeAccount.address,
  type: "safe",
const client = getClient({ rpcUrl: "your-rpc-url" });
const nominee = privateKeyToAccount("0xPRIVATE_KEY");
const module = getDeadmanSwitch({
  nominee: nominee.address,
  timeout: "100", // in seconds
  moduleType: "validator",

Install the module as a validator

With this module object, we can now install it on the smart account as a validator.

const opHash = await smartClient.installModule({
  type: module.type,
  address: module.module,
await bundlerClientV07.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
  hash: opHash,
  timeout: 100000,

Install the module as a validator

The Deadman Switch module is also a hook, so it also needs to be installed as a hook.

const opHash = await smartClient.installModule({
  type: "hook", // manually set the type to hook
  address: module.module,
  context: encodeAbiParameters(
      "uint8 hookType, bytes4 selector, bytes memory initData"
    [0, "0x", "0x"]
  ), // we leave the initData empty since the data was already passed above and install the hook as a global Safe hook
await bundlerClientV07.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
  hash: opHash,
  timeout: 100000,

Recover the account

Every transaction, the latest access will be updated. After the timeout has passed, the nominee will be able to use the account. In our case, the timeout is just 100 seconds, so we can recover the account almost immediately.