Tutorial 3: Turn an existing account into an Omni Account
In this tutorial, we will walk through turning an existing smart account into an Omni Account. This will require installing the relevant modules on all the source chains, in this case we will only use a single source chain.
For this tutorial, we are using @rhinestone/module-sdk
at the latest version to set up the required modules. We are also using @rhinestone/orchestrator-sdk
to interact with the Omni Account modules and the backend service, the Orchestrator. Finally, we use permissionless@^0.2.22
and viem@^2.21.51
for their account abstraction features. See the full source code for this tutorial in our module-sdk-tutorials repo (opens in a new tab).
Install the packages
First, install the required dependencies:
npm i @rhinestone/module-sdk @rhinestone/orchestrator-sdk permissionless viem
Import the required functions and constants
import { createSmartAccountClient } from "permissionless";
import {
} from "permissionless/accounts";
import {
} from "viem";
import { entryPoint07Address } from "viem/account-abstraction";
import {
} from "@rhinestone/orchestrator-sdk";
import { erc7579Actions } from "permissionless/actions/erc7579";
import { createPimlicoClient } from "permissionless/clients/pimlico";
Create the clients for the target chain
First, we will create the clients required to interact with the target chain.
const targetPublicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: targetChain,
transport: http(),
const targetPimlicoClient = createPimlicoClient({
transport: http(
entryPoint: {
address: entryPoint07Address,
version: "0.7",
Create the target chain smart account client
Next, we will create the target chain smart account client. Since the account already exists, we can just add the address and don't need the initial parameters.
const targetSafeAccount = await toSafeSmartAccount({
client: targetPublicClient,
const targetSmartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
account: targetSafeAccount,
chain: targetChain,
bundlerTransport: http(
paymaster: targetPimlicoClient,
userOperation: {
estimateFeesPerGas: async () => {
return (await targetPimlicoClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast;
Deploy the target account (optional)
This tutorial assumes that the target account is already deployed. But for the sake of this demo, we will deploy the target account.
const deployUserOpHash = await targetSmartAccountClient.sendUserOperation({
account: targetSafeAccount,
calls: [
to: getTokenAddress("USDC", targetChain.id),
value: BigInt(0),
data: encodeFunctionData({
abi: erc20Abi,
functionName: "balanceOf",
args: [targetSafeAccount.address],
await targetPimlicoClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
hash: deployUserOpHash,
Create the meta intent
To send an intent that spends the funds from source chain on the target chain, we will first need to create a MetaIntent and the corresponding token transfers. The token transfers tells the relayer which tokens a user wants on the target chain. We also add the actions that the user wants to do into the targetExecutions
field, in our case the transfer of the USDC out to another address.
const tokenTransfers = [
tokenAddress: getTokenAddress("USDC", targetChain.id),
amount: 2n,
// create the meta intent
const metaIntent: MetaIntent = {
targetChainId: targetChain.id,
tokenTransfers: tokenTransfers,
targetAccount: targetSafeAccount.address,
targetExecutions: [
to: getTokenAddress("USDC", targetChain.id),
value: 0n,
data: encodeFunctionData({
abi: erc20Abi,
functionName: "transfer",
args: ["0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045", 1n],
Get the order path
Next, we will get the order path from the orchestrator. What this means is that we get the completed order bundle and a set of injected executions. These executions allow for the orchestrator to inject a set of executions, for example to guarantee the atomicity of the fill. In this step, the orchestrator also figures out where exactly to pull the required funds from (which is easy in this tutorial). Because of this, the user signature only happens after getting the order path so that the user is able to see and needs to confirm (by signing) that they want those tokens to be used.
const orderPath = await orchestrator.getOrderPath(
orderPath[0].orderBundle.segments[0].witness.execs = [
Sign the MetaIntent
Next, we will also need to sign the entire Meta Intent. This ensures that the solver cannot do anything that the user does not want, such as using a specific set of funds.
const orderBundleHash = getOrderBundleHash(orderPath[0].orderBundle);
const bundleSignature = await owner.signMessage({
message: { raw: orderBundleHash },
const packedSig = encodePacked(
["address", "bytes"],
[ownableValidator.address, bundleSignature],
const signedOrderBundle: SignedMultiChainCompact = {
originSignatures: Array(orderPath[0].orderBundle.segments.length).fill(
targetSignature: packedSig,
Send the MetaIntent
Finally, we will send the MetaIntent to the orchestrator. This will broadcast the intent to the solvers, who will then fill the transaction on the target chain.
const bundleResults: PostOrderBundleResult =
await orchestrator.postSignedOrderBundle([
Check the status of the MetaIntent
To ensure everything went well, we can check the status of the Meta Intent. Initially, this should be RECEIVED
but then it will move to FILLED
when the target chain fill has been completed and COMPLETED
when the solver has recouped their funds on the source chain.
const bundleStatus = await orchestrator.getBundleStatus(